How to get membership recruitment right
Membership recruitment is at the top of the list for any association.
So how can you get those recruitment rates up? Here we outline a number of best practices for online member acquisition.
Define your audience
When recruiting members online make sure you attract the right kinds of people, the sort of people who have an interest in joining your association.
Create good content
Create compelling content. The more content that you make available the better. This is what is going to attract people to your organisation’s website. The membership package also need to show career advancement through access to training, resources and advice.
Collect information
Don’t give all of your content away for free. Make only some of the content accessible when the user puts in their name and email address. Once you have this you can follow up with them periodically.
Share information
Once you have your content built out, it’s important to share it. You can do this via your organisation’s website and social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are typically the most popular.
Stay in contact
Once you have a prospective members’ details you need to stay in touch with them. It might be that they don’t want to join your association straight away, but it doesn’t mean they won’t in the future.
Try sending well-crafted emails and a few valuable content pieces or invite them to an upcoming event. All of these things could entice them to join your organisation.
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