We are a communications and design agency based in Milton Keynes. Creating original and innovative content across print and digital for brands such as Amazon, Currys PC World, Nike, and Shell.
We are a communications and design agency based in Milton Keynes. Creating original and innovative content across print and digital for brands such as Amazon, Currys PC World, Nike, and Shell.
Learning and development campaign, editorial, design, social media, digital
Despite being responsible for selling a huge range of items in store, not many Dixons Carphone colleagues actually get to spend hands-on time with a product to really understand it. An upcoming learning campaign around cameras provided the perfect opportunity to change this.
We put cameras directly in the hands of ten colleagues. We then asked them to tell all of their colleagues about their experience. To build excitement for the campaign we created posters, featuring the lucky ten testers and sent them out to all retail stores. We then created accounts on Twitter, Instagram and set up a group on Workplace by Facebook – all used as platforms for the testers to talk about their experiences with the cameras. We ran a video workshop for the testers, teaching them how to create a compelling vlog. Each platform helped drive traffic to the Learning Management System, which hosted all of the testers’ vlogs, images and reviews. To finish the campaign off, we used quotes and actual pictures taken by the colleagues as images for the printed learning, The Plug.
Booklet artwork
Putting the products into the hands of the colleagues was the first step towards building in-store advocates, who can speak with authority and sincerity to their customer about their experience with the product. This approach has since been mirrored across other learning campaigns, to create product testers and champions for a range of different products in Dixons Carphone.
Imaging postcard gallery